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Partnership Schools Ireland

Dublin, Ireland

Facilitation of Schools’ Action Teams for Partnerships

Online Team-Training Workshop in Ireland

To increase the number of schools with well-functioning Action Teams for Partnerships (ATPs), Partnership Schools Ireland (PSI) developed a comprehensive online Team Training Workshop. PSI leaders researched the content and worked with a digital learning development company to design and produce the training module. The online workshop addresses the following topics:

  • Partnerships and Healthy Schools. This section summarizes the results of research on the importance of school and family partnerships and the theoretical model of overlapping spheres of influence.
  • Partnerships with Parents. This section explains Dr. Joyce Epstein`s Framework of Six Types of Involvement.
  • The Who, What, and How of an Action Team for Partnerships (ATP). This section outlines the members of the ATP and the team’s responsibilities. It also discusses the importance of a goal-linked One-Year Action Plan for Partnerships to ensure a welcoming climate for all partners in education and to increase students’ academic and behavioral success in school.
  • Developing Your One Year Action Plan for Partnerships. This section zeros in on how to write SMART goals in the One-Year Action Plan for Partnerships, schedule the implementation of specific activities, share leadership of activities, and identify resources needed for the planned practices. 

PSI will evaluate the reactions ATPs that “attend” the online workshop to learn if team members understand the research, theory, and topics covered in all workshop sections. 

PSI reported that its main challenge is to provide on-going support for current and new schools that join the PSI network. As Ireland’s leading organization for partnership program development, PSI aims to provide benefits and services to support the work and progress the PSI network of schools, just as NNPS does in the U.S.

See more about Online Team-Training Workshop in Ireland in Promising Partnership Practices 2020.