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National Network of Partnership Schools
Working Together for Student Success

NNPS is Strengthening Leadership for Partnerships

NNPS is taking a new approach to Professional Development on School, Family, and Community Partnerships. Our studies show that Leaders for Partnerships can use research-based strategies to guide all schools to engage all families as partners in their children's education. Planned changes to NNPS will strengthen leadership, improve equity of family engagement, and increase student success in school.

Why is NNPS Extending Research-Based Structures and Processes to Improve Partnerships in ALL Schools?

NNPS is updating our professional development "menu of services" to strengthen leadership for partnerships in districts, regions, and organizations across the country.

For over 25 years, NNPS has been the homebase for educators working to improve programs and practices of family and community engagement. Over 5000 schools and hundreds of districts and organizations contributed data and activities to help build a research base for the development of programs of school, family, and community partnerships. The results of our collaborations are shared in the NNPS guide: School, Family, and Community Partnerships: Your Handbook for Action, 4th Edition, and in more than 100 publications.

Over the years, one of the most consistent results of our studies is the importance of thoughtful leadership. It is time for NNPS 2.0 to apply what we learned so that all leaders guide their schools to conduct strong and sustainable partnership programs.

Starting immediately for the 2024-25 school year, NNPS will contract with district, region, and organization partners for a "menu" of professional development services, resources, and support. Our mission is to help every leader succeed in implementing their official policy for effective and equitable family and community engagement—in ALL schools, with ALL families, and for ALL students.

Also, over the past few years, Johns Hopkins University and our School of Education strengthened requirements for professional development projects like NNPS. Instead of informal "renewal payments" each year, we must complete formal, easily renewable contracts with each district, region, and organization partner to register our work together.

NNPS is committed to strengthening partnership programs that are sustained over time. We will remain the homebase for professional development for a growing Network of Networks—each one—including YOURS— with a strong leader and a well-organized program of family and community engagement.

Your District, Organization, Region, or State is invited to become an
NNPS Professional Development Partner.

See Details in the Section Join NNPS.

About NNPS

Established at Johns Hopkins University in 1996, NNPS invites schools, districts, states, and organizations to join together and use research-based approaches to organize and sustain excellent programs of family and community involvement that will increase student success in school.

“Based on more than three decades of research on parental involvement, family engagement, and community partnerships, NNPS’s tools, guidelines, and action team approach may be used by all elementary, middle, and high schools to increase involvement and improve student learning and development,” explains Dr. Joyce L. Epstein, Founder and Director of NNPS. NNPS also guides district leaders to help their schools develop goal-oriented programs of family involvement and community connections, and to meet Title I requirements for parent involvement. In addition, NNPS assists state departments of education and organizations to develop policies and take actions that will support districts and schools in strengthening their partnership programs.

Researchers and facilitators at the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships at Johns Hopkins University School of Education work with the members of NNPS to increase knowledge of new concepts and strategies that will improve policy and practice; provide professional development; share best practices of family and community engagement; evaluate progress; and recognize excellent partnership programs at the school, district, organization, and state levels.

This website provides NNPS members with information, research results, and ideas for action from the NNPS staff and members across the country. The site also informs prospective members about NNPS approaches, benefits, and services.