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Professional Development

National Network of Partnership Schools (NNPS) at Johns Hopkins University is a professional development organization that guides leaders in schools, districts, states, and organizations to apply research-based approaches to their programs of family and community involvement. Tools, training, and materials from NNPS enable leaders to plan, implement, evaluate, and improve their programs and practices of school, family, and community partnerships. The NNPS Handbook for Action contains directions, outlines, inventories, planning forms, and evaluation tools for conducting the NNPS approach.

NNPS conducts institutes and workshops that build leaders’ abilities to strengthen and sustain their partnership programs.

  • Leadership Institute
  • Workshops on the Road
  • Evaluation Services
Leadership Institute (LI)



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This intensive workshop prepares district and organization Leaders for Partnerships to guide schools in building sustainable, goal-linked programs of school, family, and community partnerships. NNPS defines a leader or facilitator as a specialist who supports school-based Action Teams for Partnerships (ATPs) to build their capacities to organize and continually improve their programs of family and community engagement.

The Leadership Institute also welcomes state and regional leaders who will prepare district leaders to strengthen goal-linked partnership programs at the district and school levels.

NNPS also conducts local and regional Leadership Institutes on request, in person or online.

NNPS Workshops On Site or On ZOOM

NNPS offers members customized professional development workshops in person or online.  These include basic training for districts and schools to start their programs, and advanced topics for NNPS members who are ready to tackle tough challenges to involve all families in their locations.

NNPS Workshop topics include:

  • NNPS One-Day Workshop for schools’ Action Teams for Partnerships
  • Special sessions for district, organization, and state leaders
  • Advanced topics such as improving family and community engagement to improve student attendance, engage families with low incomes for student high achievement, engage families with students in reading, principal leadership, and other topics customized for your location

See information on the Workshops On Site or On ZOOM.

Arrangements for customized Workshops on the Road are made with NNPS, on a mutually-satisfactory schedule and on a first-come, first-served basis.

Evaluation Services

NNPS will conduct evaluation services to connect measures of the quality of partnership programs with your school improvement goals and results for students. For example:

  1. Use NNPS questionnaires to identify program strengths and weaknesses. NNPS will conduct a professional development workshop (in-person or online) to enable members use NNPS evaluation tools (e.g., surveys and inventories) to continually improve their programs of family and community engagement.
  2. Connect NNPS measures with locally-collected data on program quality and/or results for students. NNPS will, under contract, administer, collect, analyze, and report data from NNPS surveys of parents, teachers, and/or students on programs and practices of family engagement. Or, we will assist your Research/Evaluation Office to connect NNPS surveys or annual UPDATE data with your achievement tests or attendance records to learn whether the quality of family engagement affects results for students from one year to the next.

Contact Dr. Steve Sheldon ( or Dr. Joyce Epstein ( to discuss the nature and costs of these or other program evaluation services.

Other Professional Development Services

Other professional development training workshops, “booster” sessions, keynote addresses, and other presentations can be arranged. Call NNPS to discuss the topics on school, family, and community partnerships that will help improve your program.