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How do schools connect with community partners to help reach school goals for student success? Analyses of UPDATE data reveal that schools in the National Network of Partnership Schools find many different ways to partner with community organizations, businesses, and institutions.

Below, two charts summarize 1) how students, families, schools, and communities benefit from partnerships; and 2) various examples of community partners.

The charts are adapted from Sanders, M. G. “Collaborating for Student Success: A Study of the Role of ‘Community’ in Comprehensive School, Family, and Community Partnership Programs.” Elementary School Journal.


Student-Centered Family-Centered School-Centered Community-Centered
Student awards, student incentives, scholarships, student trips, tutors, mentors, job shadowing, and other services and products for students. Parent workshops, family fun-nights, GED and other adult education classes, parent incentives and rewards, counseling and other forms of assistance. Equipment and materials, beautification and repair, teacher incentives and awards, funds for school events and programs, office and classroom assistance. Community beautification, student exhibits and performances, charity and other outreach.


Types of Community Partners For example…
Business/Corporations Local businesses, national corporations and franchises.
Universities and Educational Institutions Colleges, universities, high schools, and other educational institutions.
Health Care Organizations Hospitals, health care centers, mental health facilities, health departments, health foundations and associations.
Government and Military Agencies Fire departments, police departments, chamber of commerce, city council, other local and state government agencies and departments.
National Service and Volunteer Organizations Rotary Club, Lions Club, Kiwanis Club, VISTA, Concerned Black Men, Inc., Shriners, Boy and Girl Scouts, YWCA, United Way, Americorp, Urban League.
Faith Organizations Churches, mosques, synagogues, other religious organizations and charities.
Senior Citizen Organizations Nursing homes, senior volunteer and service organizations.
Cultural and Recreational Institutions Zoos, museums, libraries, recreational centers.
Other Community Organizations Fraternities, sororities, foundations, neighborhood associations, political, alumni, and local service organizations.
Community Individuals Individual volunteers from the surrounding school community.